JavaScript Evolved


TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript developed by Microsoft that compiles to plain JavaScript. TypeScript adds static types to JavaScript, enhancing the language’s reliability and maintainability, especially for large-scale applications.

Key Features: Strong Typing for Robust Code

Static Typing

TypeScript’s static type system allows developers to catch errors at compile time rather than at runtime, reducing bugs and improving code quality.

ES6+ Features

TypeScript supports modern JavaScript features and future JavaScript standards, ensuring compatibility and future-proofing codebases.

Seamless JavaScript Integration

TypeScript code is fully compatible with existing JavaScript, allowing for gradual adoption in JavaScript projects.

The Future-Proof Language

TypeScript enhances JavaScript by providing a more structured and error-resistant coding environment. Its growing popularity in enterprise environments is a testament to its value in building large, complex applications that are easier to maintain and scale.

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Jahja Rrustemi
Jahja RrustemiCo-Founder &
Leutrim Arifi
Leutrim ArifiCo-Founder &
Software Engineer